About Florida O&P Services
Here at Florida O&P Services, we are a real team. Frank, Aner, Jacinthe and I share so many core values, that it isn’t hard to work together. We are all very compassionate people and take pride in our work. We care about each other and our patients beyond just work; we are friends.
We believe that “Listening is the better half of communication.” When you are here, we sincerely want to understand you and your needs. Not everyone wants the same thing so we design your prosthesis or orthosis with you. I explain your options and tell you the advantages of each. Then we decide together.
Matt Bailey
This is my home town. I grew up in Loxahatchee, back when all the roads in that direction were one lane. We had goats and dogs and we played in the 100 acres of woods behind our house.
I went to Twin Lake High School, studied Biochemistry at Florida State, and got a second bachelors degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics from FIU in Miami. I did my Orthotic residency in Atlanta, and my Prosthetic residency in both Orlando and Atlanta. I am certified by the American Board for Certification and a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
My college roommate and I started the first Florida O&P office in Jacksonville, Florida in 1997. We expanded to 3 offices in the surrounding area before I decided I had to get back home. In 2004, the Palm Beach Gardens office was born. I am lucky to be married to a wonderful woman and the love of my life, Angie. She is from Canada and we met on a blind date! We adore our two children, Chloe and Nick. One of my big motivators in coming back home was so that we could be close to my parents, Mimi and Jim Bailey who now live in Lake Worth.
Prosthetics intrigued me in college when I worked as an EMT at a small hospital. It has turned out to be the perfect profession for me. I get to make a difference in people’s lives, I love physics, medicine and working with my hands. Fortunately, prosthetics found me.
Jacinthe Bercier
Jacinthe joined our team in 2016. Originally from Ontario, Canada, Jacinthe moved to Florida 15 years ago with her husband and now two daughters, Abigail and Evangeline. She has been in the medical field since 2008, first with Primary and Urgent Care following by Podiatry and then an MRI facility. "I really enjoy exploring all aspects of the medical field and I love the fact that Matt and his team treat our patients with such great care. I feel like when a patient comes through the door they are coming home to family who truly wants the best for them." Jacinthe enjoys cooking, outdoor activities with her family and watching her husband play Sled Hockey.