Hand Casts
Prosthetics is a field inspired by high technology, a field that strives for the best of the best. There are times when this technology turns out to be inferior to the “old school” technology.
One prime example is SCANNERS. These high tech devices are used to take a 3-D image of your limb, modify the image, and have a prototype carved using CAD-CAM.
It is VERY impressive, and is a tremendous time saver for your prosthetist. Believe me, it saves prosthetists 75% or more of their work leading up to a prototype!
Still, I don’t use them, I still hand cast. See, a STATIC 3-D image does not take into consideration soft tissue movement. With a cast, I can manipulate the soft tissue to simulate the forces of a socket, and capture that shape WITHOUT guessing.
I use my own techniques to precisely identify bony and problematic areas in my casting. Then I can address those areas when I modify the mold.
The cast is the foundation of the prosthesis. I believe in starting with the best, even if it is quadruple the work for me initially. It saves time by avoiding problems in the future.
Now, the Veterans Administration has been conducting tests for years on underwater, ultrasound imaging. The 3-D images created differentiate between bone and soft tissue. If they can figure out how to capture the image while applying socket type forces to the soft tissue, then it will be a viable technology.
Until then, I am sticking with the good old hands on approach.